Blog #4 – Brainstorming

So for my brainstorming session I went through my annotations and previous blog posts to find the most important ideas from both “Is it OK to Make Art? by Rhys Southan and “Can Art Amend History?” by Titus Kaphar. While I was doing this, I noticed some areas that overlapped and some that contradicted each other. I used arrows to point to things that were similar between the two texts. I think that having all of these ideas laid out in front of me will help me organize my thoughts into an outlined version of my first paper.

In my opinion, art is not a waste of time. It is a form of communication that connects all different ages, cultures, and languages to become one in trying to interpret those around them and experience new things in a matter of seconds. It has the power to change opinions, emotions, and attitudes. Art is not just something that is frivolous or an indulgence. It has meaning and can help all those who encounter it.

One Comment

  1. elishaemerson

    I think your working definition–that art is a form of communication–is super interesting. I’d love to see you lay that out and explore all of this definition’s implications.

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