Learning Outcome 2

In English 110, it was very important to use the outside sources we read during class as evidence in our essays. The use of summary, paraphrasing, quotation, or analysis of the text could be used throughout our papers to strengthen our arguments.  

In the final draft of my “Significant Writing Project,” I used two different sources to support or refute my argument that art is not a waste of time. In the second paragraph I used paraphrasing and quotation to explain one of my sources ideas that supported mine. I paraphrased his story about an old painting while using quotes like, “the most vulnerable in society” to help support part of my argument. I also used quotes to help explain the ideas of the group that disagreed with my ideas.  

One new thing I learned in English was to make a “quote sandwich.” This helps introduce your source and analyze the quote itself. I used to struggle with the introduction of my quotes. I thought I could just drop the quote in the paragraph and then cite at the end of the sentence as a way of introducing my source but in order to give them credibility an introduction is necessary. I also used to not analyze my quotes as much as I should have. Again, I would drop them in sentences as a replacement for my own words without a reason to be there. The idea of a “quote sandwich” reminds me to always have an introduction and almost a conclusion of the quote analysis. English 110 helped me use sources as a way to strengthen my papers.