Blog #14 – La Bella Vita

Beauty is such an interesting topic. Like Armstrong says, everyone has “very different tastes,” making beauty a spectrum rather than one specific idea. In my opinion, beauty is something that makes you feel an immense amount of joy. When someone tells me a funny joke or I am able to make someone laugh, that to me, is what beauty is all about. We live in a time that is so full of violence and stress, that at some point we all need to find a relief. Beauty comes from finding the laughter in all the hate that is in the world. It reminds us all to take a minute and not be so serious so that we may see more than just the terrible things happening around us. Laughter truly is the best medicine, and I believe that it is beautiful.

At UNE, most students view beauty as the nature that is all around us. We cannot walk outside without seeing the amazing artistic ability that the world has. From the changing leaves of fall, to the ocean view, and finally the amazing sunsets that are filled with various colors. With coming to this university, we all acknowledged the beauty that was around us. It captured us and helped guide our college decisions, even if we did not know it was happening. We are surrounded by beauty that lies deeper than the superficial looks that we see on magazines which makes our imagine of beauty much stronger than many other communities. Nature is the true beauty at UNE.

One Comment

  1. elishaemerson

    I can already see you picking up on a pattern of thinking, here, in this early free write. Beauty as a form of relief. Well done!

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