Blog #12 – Barclays Paragraph

Science, technology, engineering, and math are full of facts, figures, and processes, leaving little wiggle room for the art’s “feelings.” When researching for these subjects, there are steps to follow to ensure accuracy and proper technique. One thing that is not factored into these steps are emotions because as the author, Mark B. Boslough of … [Read more…]

Blog #10 – Skeptics

STEM is the most efficient and proactive concept of learning in today’s world. With advances in technology and medicine, the nation needs to remain focused on science, technology, engineering, and math, rather than adding an unnecessary “A”, for art. Although, the musician Yo-Yo Ma believes that art adds, “collaboration, flexible thinking, and disciplined imagination” to … [Read more…]

Blog #8 – Quote Revision

Original: Kaphar has finally acknowledged what the original artist of the painting had wanted the world not to see. The original artist wanted to show the elegance and class portrayed by the white family, not the story of the enslaved child. The artist helped the audience overlook the boy like Kaphar’s professor had overlooked the “14-page … [Read more…]

Blog #7 – Rewrite of Two Paragraphs

Rewrite: The world is a beautiful yet terrible place, filled with countless problems that no one seems to be able to find the solutions for. Although we all want to make the world a better place, many find the definition of a better place to be ever changing. What needed to be changed in the … [Read more…]