Blog #12 – Barclays Paragraph

Science, technology, engineering, and math are full of facts, figures, and processes, leaving little wiggle room for the art’s “feelings.” When researching for these subjects, there are steps to follow to ensure accuracy and proper technique. One thing that is not factored into these steps are emotions because as the author, Mark B. Boslough of “We Must Protect U.S. Investment in Scientific Knowledge” says, “a good scientist does not allow personal feelings to get in the way of evidence.” A scientist might want something to happen or believe something to be true but it is important to solely follow the facts of the evidence because they are telling the unbiased truth. If art was more prominent in STEM, it may make science less factual and more opinion or emotion based. Art is said, by musician Yo-Yo Ma, to promote “empathetic thinking” in STEM fields. Scientists are said to be able to understand those around them better with empathy because they are able to connect to the other’s situation. However, would helping scientists develop more empathetic skills distract them from their real purpose? Scientists and others in the STEM field are there to find the factual answers to the world’s most demanding questions, not worry about hurting someone’s feelings.

One Comment

  1. elishaemerson

    Well done! Powerful paragraph. Make sure that you accurately represent Yo-Yo Ma’s argument. He may claim that it will lead to innovated thinking, but you are going to push back….

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